Saturday, December 29, 2007
A Day before my last day
So, tomorrow is my last day in my old workplace. Some people already said to me to have a drink in a hotel bar. Eventhough I hate the beer's smell, I guess I'd better come to respect them. Some people from Front Office also asked me to come after work.

I have to admit that for the past 2 weeks, I played the same songs from Letto. Letto's songs accompanied me during the journey from home to my workplace. It's not only "Ruang Rindu" that played continuously, but also "Sebelum Cahaya". I like the first opening song of the "Sebelum Cahaya",

Ku teringat hati
Yang bertabur mimpi

Kemana kau pergi cinta
Perjalanan sunyi

Engkau tempuh sendiri

Kuatkanlah hati cinta

I remembered on our last day in Paris. He told me that he is a mean person. At first, I though he was kidding, second later I felt seem there was a sadness and a bitterness in his voice.

I felt that I want to say that he is not a mean person, he was just doing what he should be doing. I felt that I want to tell him that he is actually a good and hard working man. However, my tongue seem was tied, like a proverb a cat got my tongue.

When I came back to work after Paris, I realised what made him so sad. He had to asked one of my workmate to resign as she was using the company's money. Eventhough she would return the money later, but I knew that she is actually "borrowing" money to buy marijuana.

I wanted to tell him that he did the right thing. Had he not asked her to resign, the bad habit would come up again and again. Eventually she will tumbling down and will not be able to recover.

I saw her about 2 weeks ago around my old place. I said "Hi" to her eventhough she was about to pass me. I spoke to her and knew that she is till looking for a job. I don't know if she already stopped her bad habit, hopefully that she already stopped it after he treat her harshly. Sometime a harsh treatment will make people realise their own mistake.

Now, as I'm leaving, I feel that I will not be able to see him anymore. Someone that I would miss so dearly. Someone who made me grew up stronger and got more confidence. I will miss his back, his gesture and his smile. Maybe this is the best as I feel that he only treat me as a workmate. I hope that he will get stronger as well to face everyday problems in that workplace. I do hope him the best for the future. Hopefully all people in my old workplace will help him and work harder.
posted by Lilia at 10:36 pm | Permalink | 1 comments
Friday, December 28, 2007
He asked me out for lunch today, together with my supervisor. So it was 3 people. What confused me is that I never heard him treat someone else for a lunch treat when the person is leaving.

More confused as I asked other girl in the office to get lunch together with us, but he told the girl not to come.

Was he trying to match me with my supervisor or was he trying treat me special?

I need an answer here before I feel so sad. Just like one of Letto's song:

Dan aku mulai takut terbawa cinta
menghirup rindu yang sesakkan dada
Jalanku hampa dan ku sentuh dia,
terasa hangat di dalam hati
Kupegang erat dan kuhalangi waktu,
tak urung jua ku lihatnya pergi
posted by Lilia at 8:59 pm | Permalink | 3 comments
Monday, December 24, 2007
Can't Sleep
Five days ago, he wrote "We will miss you Ms S." It annoyed me as it sound too formal. Seem he is not really missing me or he is only missing me as a workmate.

Last night, I couldn't sleep as he wrote specifically "I will miss you Liliana."

Argh... I don't know if he really likes me or he just respect me as a workmate.
posted by Lilia at 6:19 am | Permalink | 4 comments
Sunday, December 23, 2007
New Office and Hawthorn chair
Kira-kira beginilah situasi meja kerja aku kelak di tahun 2008. Mulai tanggal 2 Januari 2008, aku bakalan resmi kerja di tempat baru yang tiap meja ada 2 LCDs. Managerku orang Jepang bilang kalau dia berusaha meningkatkan efektivitas kerja. Dengan 2 LCDs dia harap kerjaan bisa lebih lancar dan efektif.

Okay, ini cerita dari lanjutan interview kemarin itu dan setelah diterimanya. Manager baruku yang orang Jepang menelpon dan meminta aku datang ke office baru buat ambil kunci, ambil form dan dikasi kertas-kertas yang berhubungan dengan kerjaan. Sambil dia kasi training dan serahkan aku ke Emily, aku mulai belajar bagaimana memasukkan data-data buat reservation. Setelah selesai training, aku dikasi kertas-kertas buat terms in reservation yang harus dihapalkan.

Si manager baru kemudian memberi tahu kenapa dia memberi 2 LCDs tiap desk, memberi kursi ergonomic , dsb. I did joking around and told him that my reason to accept the employment in there was because I love the high ergonomic chair. He was laughing and told me how he got these ergonomic chair. It is a Hawthorn brand. A fluid chair. Here is a similar picture of how the chair look like:

It is a lovely chair, isn't it? My chair got mesh style (mirip jala2) in the seating and the back. The chair ensure that I'll not have a back pain while working in the office. Also because of the mesh style seating and back, it'll not be too hot if I sit on the chair for a long time.
posted by Lilia at 10:09 pm | Permalink | 1 comments
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Hari yang Heboh dan Kerjaan Baru
Kayanya aku dapat hari yang heboh hari ini. Dimulai dengan telpon dari manager tempat yg baru pas hari Selasa kemarin yang katanya mau nelpon hari ini pas sore hari. Aku dah bawa-bawa mobile aku sedari jam 4 sore. Jam 5 kurang, HP berdering dan aku lihat ternyata benar si manager baru. Dia sebetulnya mau ngobrol dengan referee aku yang satu lagi yang supervisor orang chinese, sayangnya aku ga jelas menangkapnya, namanya dibaca bersambung jadi aku kira dia bilang Ters...chai... aku kira dia nanya soal restaurant something. Otomatis aku jadi bingung karena aku ga pernah jadi restaurant staff. Akhirnya temanku nelpon dan nanya ke aku apa yang manager baru itu tanyain. Barulah semua terang benderang. Karena supervisor aku lagi off, jadi aku kasi dia nomer HP Restaurant Manager yang bersedia menjadi referee aku karena aku pernah kerja di conference department.

Telpon ga berdering-dering jadi aku kira dia gag interested lagi, lalu aku siap-siap pulang. Pas dah diluar eh telpon berdering, buru-buru aku masuk ke dalam hotel lagi dan menelpon balik. Ternyata aku diterima dan mulai training minggu depan. Bulan Januari aku bakalan masuk kerjaan baru dan status aku full-time.

Excited? Yes, sebelon diterima aku excited aja buat apply dan interview. Sesudah diterima tiba-tiba aku bingung karena aku sadar bahwa ini berarti I'll be leaving my comfort zone. Tempat kerja aku hampir 4 tahun ini, dimana semua staffs sudah seperti family. Dimana semua staffs mengenali aku dan selalu say hi, bahkan orang baru pun say hi setelah melihat betapa popular-nya aku, hihihi... (kidding lah)

Semua ini dikarenakan aku selalu berusaha komunikasi dengan yang lain walaupun orang itu orang baru. Kalo perlu aku sapa dan aku tanyain kabarnya, kadang bersenda gurau. Lama kelamaan aku gag merasakan pressure kerjaan yang selama ini aku rasakan sebelumnya. Aku anggap semua teman dan strategi ini aku jalani sejak 2 taon yang lalu. Result-nya? Kalo aku ada perlu apa, otomatis yang dipanggil datang cepat, hahaha... sampai-sampai temanku protes koq kalo aku yang panggil orang Maintenance Department (misalnya), pasti Maintenance datangi aku duluan daripada kalo dipanggil temanku. Sampai-sampai General Managerku yang saat itu masih Executive Housekeeping merangkap Front Office Manager bilang kalo aku itu so good pas dia lihat aku panggil Maintenance Department dan orangnya langsung datang, padahal it's only a simple "Hi" everyday. Trying to mingling with other people.

That simple "Hi" bisa jadi ikatan kuat. Ada room attendant yang bantuin aku beres-beres, padahal aku tao dia capek sekali sehabis kerja. Ada yang bantuin aku bawain something pas liat aku keberatan. Kalo ada pesta atau butuh daftar siapa saja yang mau ikutan something di department aku, yang dicari aku duluan, karena secretary di Office tahu kalo aku tahu siapa-siapa saja di department aku dan siapa yang harus ditanyain.

What would be happening when I'm leaving? I do hope that they'll be still like that. Be friend and be courteus to each other like what a family do. I'll miss my "family" in that hotel, ... a lot...

Now, what would I say to them tomorrow? I'd better tell them soon if I got a new job and will be leaving soon, so that they'll be prepared.

My Christmas wishes are fulfilled now, just before Christmas like what I wished before. Thanks God, thanks Zsa for refering me to your new manager, thanks to my friends, thanks to anyone who prayed for me. Thanks to my cell leader and my cell's friend for helping me moving out this Saturday and giving advices for my new job while strengthen me.

Now, I have to be prepared for leaving my comfort zones. It'll be a long way....

I remembered this poem, I changed the "Good parents" into "Good Family" for my colleagues in my current workplace:

"Good Family gives their children Roots and Wings. Roots to know where home is, wings to fly away and exercise what's been taught them." -- Jonas Salk
posted by Lilia at 10:05 pm | Permalink | 3 comments
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
An anonymous comment and the interview
I got an anonymous comment yesterday from someone "called" gattuso.

At Monday, December 10, 2007 4:39:00 PM, gattuso

I will take a little praying for you,, but keep trust on Him, although your wishes aren't yet coming. God always gives goodness.

Hi Gattuso, whoever you are, thank you very much. Seem your prayer and my friends' prayer have been accepted.

The manager likes me, only one of them who interviewed me yesterday. Somehow, seem the manager know how to make me interested in his company. He talked a lot and lots of the company and the future of his division. He also talked about what the company do outside of his division and how the company keep growing up bigger and profitable.

The more the manager talk, the more I feel that I want to be a part of this company and I feel that I could grow up together with the other staffs and managers in the company. Seem that the manager already been happy to welcome any new staff to be a part of the company. He is really a welcoming and a good manager from what he talked about. We also talked about salary, working days and hours in the future, what would I do in the office. He really care about what if the staff getting bored and he already prepared different tasks to do for the staffs so that they will not getting boring doing the same thing everyday. That's great and that mean more challenge to handle different task.

After the interview, he showed me around the office. There are 2 LCD monitors for each computer and an ergonomic high chair for each staff. I was surprised after asking him about connection, he said that he already think about it and planning to get a superfast connection for the office soon. He really care a lot about his staffs.

My friend told me yesterday that the manager really considering me but he wants to do a last part soon. The manager told her that he would like to interviewed me using a phone conversation tomorrow for the last part. Even though my job is not including receiving lots of phone call, but seem he wants to make sure that I would be able to do that if needed by the company.

I can't wait to get started, but seem early January is the only time I can get started because end of December is coming soon. I don't think the manager will be able to teach me about the system until the big long holiday finished, maybe he will be going for holiday as well. So, let's see what would happen tomorrow.

posted by Lilia at 7:33 pm | Permalink | 0 comments
Sunday, December 09, 2007
My wishes before Christmas
Here I am, on Sunday 9th December 2007. Having finished packing up just 2 boxes and more to come during next few days.

Why was I packing up? Because I had to move out this coming Saturday night to an apartment in other suburb.

Also, I'm applying for a new job. A friend refer me to her new manager. The interview is scheduled for for tomorrow, on Monday 10th December. I don't know if I'm ready or if her new managers will like me. However, I do believe if it's time for me to get a new path, then it's done.

I was praying to God for a new job and a new place before Christmas, about 2 weeks ago. Then last week, I get a news from my new flatmate that she already found a place in where I want to live. I though great, it was a good news for me. At least one of my wishes come true. That's why I couldn't believe it when I got a call from my friend's manager last Thursday. I though he didn't want me because there is no contact from the manager since 2 weeks ago after I emailed him my resume letter.

I do hope that the manager would tell me whether he would accept me or not by tomorrow. I would rather hear it from the manager by himself after the interview not by waiting for a phone call or email.

Friends, just help me by pray for me so that I'll not be nervous and I'll be able to point out my abilities and win trustworthiness from those new managers.
posted by Lilia at 9:28 pm | Permalink | 2 comments
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Last week, someone touched my shoulder and I feel there was an eletricity. Strange huh? If it was a static eletricity, it should be between skin to skin, can not be from skin through clothes. What was that? I pretend it was a normal thing and going on like nothing happened. Seem he didn't feel the spark? Maybe it was only me who felt it.
posted by Lilia at 11:13 pm | Permalink | 1 comments