Biasanya aku ga bisa makan tomat mentah yang gede2, alias harus diiris tipis2 kaya pendamping nasi goreng atau dimasak sampai hancur.
Kalo makan cherry tomato pun aku gag doyan karena ada bau2 tomat yang entah kenapa membuat aku teringat masa-masa kecil ketika dipaksa minum juice tomat.
Tapi pas menghadiri presentation tentang boutique hotel, aku tertarik melihat cherry tomatoes yang masi nempel dengan cabang-cabangnya, warnanya benar-benar merah dan cantik.
Pas masuk supermarket, Coles, I saw the vine-ripened cherry tomatoes. I bought one and brought it home. These tomatoes really so sweet and so beautiful. Bisa dimakan mentah-mentah dan manisnya jauh lebih manis dibanding cherry tomatoes dan tomat gede yang dah merah-merah.
I love to eat this vine-ripened cherry tomatoes, freshly!

I always passing the Sydney Harbour Bridge everyday when I'm going to work. I always see the beautiful Harbour View and it always bring smile to me.
It was a bit cloudy day in the winter morning, and there was this a very big ship passing the Harbour Bridge, I reached for my mobile camera and these are the results from inside train's window:

Labels: Blog This Picture III, cherry tomato, Sydney Harbour Bridge, vine ripened cherry tomato
ih tomatnya seger bangettttt