Saturday, March 31, 2007
Does Anybody Hear Them?
I was browsing GodTube after someone mentioned about this Christian site. GodTube is like YouTube but the messages in the GodTube is designed especially just for Christian and those who are looking for God. The motto is not "broadcasting you" like in the YouTube, but broadcasting Him instead.

Then I was stumbled across Casting Crowns video clip. As I like their song Who Am I, I decided to watch their Does Anybody Hear Her? video clip. Here, the video clip:

The song and the storyline inside the video clip make me feel sad for that woman. How could when someone needs just a little bit of support, that someone often find himself or herself being neglected and being alone in this world then make lots and more then again more mistakes? Then start thinking that seem there is no way out? those people need other people support and sometime they just need to be heard out. Have you look around and help other that in a need recently? No matter how small the need.

I tried to be helpful all the time and believe me, I'm still trying. It's hard because it's a fast- paced city where I live, but I'm still work it out.

Tomorrow, the young adult from church will organise a special visit to a nursing home. It's not far away from the church area. They organise the children from Sunday School to sing together inside the nursing home's hall. Those old people sometime behave very childish (sometime jealous, sometime even don't want to take a bath). However, they are warm, cuddly and will display a very wide smile that they have during the children's visit. They will singing along together with the children and clapping their hands.

I never been there before, only agree to come along after a friend's offer 2 weeks ago that I should go with them. Usually I would go somewhere else with other friends or just stay at home in the weekend because I'm very tired after working a week. Let's see what I can do to help them tomorrow.
posted by Lilia at 9:41 pm | Permalink | 0 comments
Thursday, March 29, 2007
My Sweetheart Idol
Gag mao kalah dengan postingan si preman Bali. *timpuk2 si preman pake mebel-mebel Bali* sebelon mulai :D

Sejak kapan gue suka Andy Lau? Sejak nonton drama silatnya waktu doi jadi Yo Ko di Sin Tiauw Hiap Lu alias The Return of The Condor Heroes. Wajahnya langsung nempel di memory otak, gag bisa lepas. Sikapnya Yo Ko yang tegas tapi punya respect besar ke orang yang lebih tua, jujur dan loyal banget ke Bibi Leung-nya membuat gue jadi bertanya-tanya siapakah doi. Ternyata doi adalah Andy Lau.

That was happened when I was in year 5 (kelas 5 SD getu loh). Dari sejak itu gue fall in love sama doi. Tiap ada filmnya gue tonton kecuali fim2 yang gag boleh diliat alias kena sensor dari ortu. Maklum kalo film horror atau film romantis2 waktu itu belum waktunya diliat. Setelah gede masih suka Andy Lau terus, gag pernah aku ganti2 idola sekalipun. Sampai2 kalo ada bonus poster Andy Lau dari majalah, gag lama kemudian si poster dah nongol di dinding kamar.

Kalo ada fotonya langsung deh masuk ke koleksi gue. gag cuman koleksi foto mukanya tapi ada juga foto tangannya, gag percaya? Ini dia:

Sampai kelihatan garis2nya kan? Sip deh.

Filmnya yang bikin terharu sekali waktu doi masih muda adalah The Truth seri 1-3 (Unwritten Law), dimana Andy menjadi anak yang dibesarkan di panti asuhan tanpa mengetahui bahwa yang mengirim uang adalah mama kandungnya yang seorang perempuan malam yang tidak mau anaknya menderita dan malu akan dirinya. Ceritanya si Andy akhirnya tumbuh besar menjadi pengacara terkenal yang diminta oleh suster dari panti asuhannya untuk membela seorang perempuan malam yang dituduh membunuh. Iya, perempuan malam itu adalah mamanya sendiri dan suster itu tahu tapi sesuai permintaan si mama, tidak mau memberitahukan Andy kenapa dia harus membela perempuan itu. Banyak film-film doi yang lucu dan unik2. Seperti Love On Diet, Needing You, Infernal Affairs, World Without Thieves dan pas doi jadi Zhu Ge Liang. Film2nya sekarang cenderung sarat makna dan pesan-pesan didalamnya cukup membuat orang merenung dan memikir. Doi juga terkenal berani meng-invest uang dalam jumlah banyak untuk memajukan perfilm-an Hong Kong dan mendukung sutradara-sutradara muda yang baru berkembang.

Di luar peran2 film2nya, doi terkenal rendah hati, selalu on time (gag pernah telat bo!), pekerja keras, suka nasehatin anak-anak muda, mendukung usaha dan memberi dana buat pendidikan ke anak-anak yang gag mampu, punya anak asuh dimana-mana yang dibiayai doi buat sekolah (ada anak asuh doi yang dari indo), dan doi tuh respect dan hormat banget ke orang tua. Juga bener2 akar chinese heritage doi kuat sekali.

Selaen suka sama karakternya doi di luar peran2nya, gue juga suka sama cara dia support chinese heritage dia. Mulai dari berusaha belajar nulis chinese character dan sekalipun dikritik oleh ahli tulis chinese yang terkenal, doi malah berterima kasih dan gag segan-segan mendatangi si ahli tulis buat minta diajarin nulis lebih baek lagi. Hasilnya? Karena usaha kerasnya, doi bisa nulis dengan indahnya dan si ahli tulis pun terkesan dengan kemajuan doi. Waktu mulai menyanyi pun demikian. Doi terkenal berusaha melatih suaranya. Doi juga menjaga makanannya dengan diet ketat supaya suaranya gag rusak dan bentuk badannya tetap bagus (six packs bo).

Doi juga terkenal selalu menjaga persahabatannya dengan teman-temannya. Ingat julukan 5 harimau TVB taon 1980-an? Doi salah satunya, bersama-sama dengan Miu Kiu Wai (pendekar harum), Tony Leung (pemaen Tio Bu Kie), Ken Tong dan Wong Yat Wa (pemaen Kwee Cheng). Doi ternyata masih terus menyempatkan waktu buat berkumpul dengan teman-teman lamanya selaen Ken Tong karena Ken Tong memilih berkarir di Taiwan.
Ada saat-saat sedih pas Anita Mui yang sering jadi lawan maennya di film2, sekarat, doi lah yang katanya menyempatkan diri mendatangi dia dan mengucapkan selamat jalan sambil menggenggam tangannya. Juga ketika teman lainnya meninggal, doi menyanyikan lagu Ben Xiao Hai yang disukai temannya.

Buat penggemat Andy Lau, cari berita gres-nya dalam bahasa Inggris di Andy New Town. Websitenya selalu di update.
Bev dan Linx, bener gag neh info2nya Andy Lau?

Postingan gue gimana Yen? hihihi... kenalilah idolamu dalam-sedalamnya :D
posted by Lilia at 7:20 pm | Permalink | 3 comments
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Say It With A Shirt
How do you react when you read a shirt with those written below:

Rent Me

Love Me

Buy Me

On a shirt worn by a guy? And, yes, the Love word written in a red ink.

However, hold on, those words are actually an advertisement from Radio-Rental. Not from a desperate guy.


posted by Lilia at 7:51 pm | Permalink | 1 comments
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Kumquat, Australian Cakes and French Toast
Nama buah disamping ini Kumquat atau Inggrisnya Sugar Plum. Katanya berasal dari Phillipina dan Vietnam. Kecil-kecil tapi rasanya manis. Kalo mau lebih manis lagi, kupas kulitnya dulu karena kulitnya ada asam-asamnya.
Daging buahnya kuning dan juicy serta very sweet. Ada bijinya di dalam daging buahnya. Buah ini hanya ada waktu summer. This fruit is my favourite one beside mango and cherries for summer fruits. Sayang summer berlalu, diganti autumn dan Aussie semakin cepat gelap. Kalo biasanya jam 8 baru sunset, minggu terakhir March ini bakalan semakin gelap sampai sunsetnya jam 5 sore. Sabtu ini bakal end of daylight saving. Yang kusukai? Jarak jam antara Indo WIB - Sydney semakin dekat. Nanti bakal berjarak 3 jam instead 4 jam. Yang gag kusukai? Mengingat winter semakin dekat, brrr....

Sekarang marilah bahas cake ala Aussie. Cake disini dibikin mainly pakai fresh cream instead mentega blue band yg dikocok. Enaknya yah karena fresh creamnya itu dan hiasan kuenya bagus-bagus. Ini foto diambil di department store top-nya Sydney, David Jones, yang menyediakan cakes berkualitas tinggi, Fotonya dah lama diambil tapi tiap kali melihat fotonya langsung deh mouthwatering terus...

Ini di etalase sebelahnya, masih di dept store yg sama. Karena waktu itu Christmas, ada kue bundar yg namanya Christmas Pudding Cake yang atasnya dikasi siraman icing. Kalo aku liat-liat buku di Aussie sini, orang sini emang pinter desain kue. Mereka kreatif dan selalu mencoba-coba. Banyak buku tentang desain kue buat kids, parties dan wedding. Yum...
I tried a white chocolate cake before. Kuenya putih vanilla getu dan antara lapisan dan lapisan atas disiram icing white chocolate trus dihias dengan potongan segitiga white chocolate yang dibentuk-bentuk seperti foto kue pertama di rak tengah, nomer dua dari kiri. Jadi mouthwatering lage bayangin enaknya kue waktu itu. Sayang harganya mahal, semahal kualitas white chocolate dan desainnya.

Kalo yang ini adalah French Toast with Maple Syrup and Berry Compote plus fresh strawberries, garnished with vanilla bean ice cream and icing sugar. Panjang yaQ namanya? Ternyata nama yang panjang bisa menarik perhatian para customers di Aussie sini, makanya daftar menu suka ditambah2in kata-kata kaya homemade, dsb.

Icing sugar disini adalah tepung gula alias gula yang berbentuk tepung gitu.
Berry compote isinya blueberries yang entah gimana cara masaknya jadi asem2 manis dan berwarna merah airnya.
Kenapa makan french toast waktu itu? Selain malas bikinnya karena gag praktis, juga karena gara-gara temenku yang baru balik dari US waktu itu bercerita betapa tebal dan besarnya french toast yang dia makan di US, lebih gede daripada yang disini. Karena gag lagi di US, ya terpaksa makan french toast Aussie. Toh semua maple syrupnya juga import dari US.


posted by Lilia at 8:55 pm | Permalink | 5 comments
Thursday, March 01, 2007
My Best Friend
SHE is on the left side of the picture, next to me in a picture that was taken a year ago. Right now, SHE is in Indonesia. SHE'S grieving for her dad that recently passed away this morning. I want to be in there, but right now I don't hold any passport to get out from Australia dan back again. Moreover, I couldn't take a leave and I had to attend a training class this coming Monday. What can I do now is sending sms to her friends (back from her Uni in Surabaya) and make contacts for her friends in here. My mom is going there on Saturday.

I knew her when the Orientation (so-called cruel discipline program for new Uni students) began. I need something and my housemate suggested that I go to her rented house because my housemate is her friend back in her High School. So, I went there, calling her name and there SHE appeared and asked me what SHE can do for me. I couldn't remember why I need to see her and what SHE did for me later. We meet up again and again during Orientation because both of us were studying the same subject, Pharmacy, and had to endure a lot of suffering during Orientation. Afterward, I found myself walking together with her and some friends during Orientation and there, her fight-for-friend's-cause came up. SHE was very upset with one of our friend, S, who was trying to cut a signature from other friend's book (Sy). We had to collect Senior's attendance signature by attending some of the sport games to pass the Orientation.

Then SHE was angry with me and Sy because we tried to calm her down and told her that it doesn't matter losing one signature. Then the anger still going on when the Uni Classes started but I still say "Hi!" to her whenever I was passing her. SHE was actually angry to S, not to me or Sy and couldn't understand why both of me and Sy forgave S easily.
Then little by little, SHE overcame the anger and I found 4 of us (including S) sitting together in classes. Then came H and we got 5 people in our group.

Fast forward, I had to leave Indonesia to Australia, SHE, H and Sy wanted me to come back and were waiting for me to come back after English class in 6 months. However, I didn't come back. The situation and the decision was not purely mine as I bring those to prayers and I follow up the result. My dad likes to talk to her dad when she came to my house with her dad, when I was spending my holiday in Indonesia.

Fast forward, Sy getting married and chose to get honeymoon in here to meet me. Then SHE come and studying in here. SHE was here too when my mom got breast cancer. SHE even helped me financially when my family was broke. Many times, SHE and her dad helped me. They never ask anything from my family.

I feel that I didn't do enough to help her when SHE failed first, then second, then 3 times in a subject, eventhough I knew that it was her weakness and bad habit from "Indonesian style" of studying. I tried to encourage her, but SHE likes activities than studying from a book. Then her dad passed away before SHE could finish her study in here. I hope that SHE would come back and finish what she started. However, if SHE decide to continue her dad business, I will support her too. I know what right for her now is to continue what her dad started and still doing it till he is passed away, because her dad once told her that he wanted her to continue his business.

My message for her: Whatever you do, I will support you. If you want to cry, just cry out. After you stash out whatever annoying your feeling right, promise me that you will chin up, stand up, and walk forward. I'll be there when you need me.
 Posted by Picasa
posted by Lilia at 11:17 pm | Permalink | 4 comments