Monday, July 30, 2007
Simpson Donut and bills' Ricotta Hotcakes
Pernah liat iklan Simpson the Movies? Ini dia yang aku lihat selama sebulan ini:

And the advertisements are everywhere. Everywhere, I saw Homer Simpson either holding or eating iced strawberry donut. No wonder I got the virus, I bought 4 iced strawberry donuts and ate those donuts . Sebenarnya si Homer tuh iklanin donut atau movies seh? Bikin orang beli donut, padahal aku dah bertahun-tahun ga makan iced donut.

Yang lebih parah lagi? I saw this over the website in the net and I want that original Simpson donuttttttttt.... I love those cute sprinkle thousand on top of iced strawberry donut.

Atas protes dari Neng Zsa-Zsa, aku ga majang dulu foto makanan Indo yang tersisa, yang aku pajang adalah makanan dari bills Restaurant.

Last month tanggal 30 June, si Kus mentraktir kami semua; Ci Yani, Ko Chris, Hermin and me ke bills. Nama tempat makan di Sydney sini yang terkenal dengan signature dishes-nya such as Ricotta Hotcakes, super-creamy Scrambled Eggs, Coconut Bread, dan sebagainya. I took a picture of the famous Ricotta Hotcakes and the signature Honeycomb Butter, here are the pics:

The signature Ricotta Hotcakes in bills with honeycomb butter, banana and icing sugar plus mapple syrup. A very high breakfast calorie in the morning.

This is the signature honeycomb butter. Crushed honeycomb being mixed with real butter and moulded then being refrigerated and cut just before serving.

Buat foto creamy scrambled eggs and recipe buat signature dishes-nya ada di website-nya si bills di Give it a try, cook it at home and enjoy.
posted by Lilia at 11:30 pm | Permalink | 1 comments
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Kuliner di Solo part IV: Lily's Bistro Meal and Cafe Star
Mau makanan ala Belanda di Solo? Kunjungi Lily's Bistro. Aku diajak temanku, Sanny, ke Lily bistro. Karena si Sanny suka makan macam-macam daripada satu-dua jenis, jadi dia pesan macam-macam. Sayang aku lupa foto makanan2 awal2nya, jadi yang kefoto cuman dua yang terakhir.

Ini galantin dan risoles kecil pakai saus gravy.

Yang ini lupa namanya, isinya sup krim ayam jamur yang atasnya ditutupin pastry trus di bake di oven. Sup krimnya enak sekali, gag eneg pas makan ampe abis. Rasanya pas.

Makanan lain yang aku coba adalah pastel tutup dan sup sosi merahnya. Rasanya enak semua. Yang lebih enak lage? Ditraktir makannya sama Sanny, he he...

posted by Lilia at 6:44 pm | Permalink | 1 comments
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
ISCC, Ikan Bakar dan Roti Orion
ISCC adalah kepanjangan dari Indonesian Senior Citizen Club. Suaru non-profit organisation yang didirikan Pak Adji dan Ibu Meliana dari Jakarta. Pak Adji adalah pemilik Panorama tour dan Ibu Meliana adalah mantan manager Panorama yang mengundurkan diri untuk mengelola ISCC secara full-time. ISCC bertujuan untuk mengajak orang-orang tua alias para senior untuk berkumpul bersama-sama untuk berdoa, bernyanyi, dan memuji Tuhan dalam berbagai acaranya. Salah satu acaranya adalah tour naik bus keliling kota, makan bersama-sama teman-teman ISCC satu grup maupun bersama-sama grup luar kota. ISCC punya cabang di berbagai kota di Indonesia. Cabang di Perth akan dibuka September ini.
Bahasanya formal banget yah? Sekian aja perkenalan dengan ISCC.
Ibu Meliana yang disebut-sebut itu adalah mami angkatku. Waktu aku ke Solo beberapa waktu yang lalu, dia kembali lagi ke Solo untuk acara ISCC dan aku diajak ke Wonogiri. Seumur-umur kayanya baru kali itu aku ke Wonogiri. Seingatku dari pelajaran IPS, Wonogiri mah tempat waduk Gajahmungkur. Ternyata memang benar-benar masih desa getu. Pas kesana sudah malam dan mendung serta hujan deras, jadi ga bisa liat-liat pemandangan waduk dari tempat makan ikan bakar yang terkenal disitu.

Ini oleh-oleh foto ikan bakarnya:

Ikan Bakar Wonogiri

Ada juga "rabuk" alias sambal Wonogiri yang bahannya dari kelapa dan biji wijen. Warnanya hitam pekat, waktu itu si "rabuk" dibagi2kan dalam keadaan dingin dan rasanya pedas manis enak. Aku sempat bawa satu buat Mama di rumah. Sayangnya si "rabuk" dihangatkan sama pembantu dan akibatnya baunya yang aslinya tajam jadi keluar kemana2 dan baunya benar2 tajam sekali sampai-sampai ga ada yang nafsu makan, terpaksa dibuang.

Buat yang belum tahu soal roti lapis surabaya Solo alias roti mandarijn Orion, ini dia fotonya:

Rotinya dibuat berdasarkan resep lama dan hanya memakai telur ayam kampung, Orion gag mau pakai telur ayam lain. Orion menjaga tradisi dan benar-benar menjaga namanya. Rasanya? Lumayan enak, lebih enakan yang fresh from the oven.

posted by Lilia at 10:24 pm | Permalink | 1 comments
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Kuliner di Solo part II: Gandos dan Es Dawet Pasar Gede
Ini penganan khas Solo yang kutemui dan lagi ingat buat jepret2. Sayang lupa jepret2 sisa2nya yang dah masuk perut panas2 :D

Ini es dawet pasar Gede. Pemilik kiosnya jualan di dalam pasar Gede Solo dan sudah tua sekali. Isinya ada tape ketan ijo, jenang sumsum (dari tepung beras), jenang ketan item, biji selasih, dawet dan kuahnya pakai santan dan gula pasir, ga pakai gula jawa karena ga cocok warna dan rasanya tar. Rasanya enak dan unik, serta segar kalo lagi panas2nya di Solo yang lembab udaranya.

Penjual gandos. Penganan Solo kesukaanku.

Ini rupa si gandos sebelon diangkat. Penjualnya bingung karena aku foto2 makanan, hahaha...

Ini si gandos, sepiring begini kalo ga salah cuman 2000 rupiah (?). Isinya terdiri dari parutan kelapa, santan dan tepung beras yang dimasak di cetakan agak lama. Di Jakarta ada gandos juga tapi ditaburin gula pasir diatasnya, which I didn't like, rasa yang dah pas asinnya koq ditaburin gula pasir. Nama lain gandos adalah kue rangin.

Jangan salah sangka, masakan2 Solo masih banyak lagi. Ada cafe di Solo yang menyediakan makanan2 asli Belanda. Liputan dan fotonya nanti dulu deh.
posted by Lilia at 7:42 pm | Permalink | 3 comments
Kuliner di Solo part I : Nasi Liwet Solo dan Nasi Pecel Merah Solo
Buat para kuliner yang mau tao makanan Solo, ini dia dua di antaranya:

Nasi liwet Solo, aslinya berisi cuilan daging ayam, kuning telur kocok+santan yang dimasak steam, putih telur kocok+santan yang dimasak steam juga plus nasi santan-nya yang enak.

Ah, lupa taro sayur labunya. Yang di kanan atas gambar itu sayur labunya. Yummy bener loh, plus nyokap ada langganan nasi liwet yang jualan pagi-pagi sampai sebelon siang jam 12 biasanya dah abis dagangannya. Dijamin bersih kalo beli sama mbok langganan nyokap di dekat rumah.

Yang ini nasi pecel merah. Mbok penjualnya jualan naik sepeda onthel, biasa parkir di dekat lapangan Manahan tiap pagi. Isinya nasi merah, daun kangkung trus bumbu pecelnya, trus katanya ada lamtoro, tapi entah yang mana. Pedasnya bener-bener pedas sekali.


posted by Lilia at 7:12 pm | Permalink | 3 comments
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Friend Are Friend Forever
I got stumbled with the same song that I had prepared for my close friend, Kus, when I want to continue my project for her. It made me crying long enough and will continue till I sleep if Beve did not chat with me and told me her stories in Taiwan. Yeah, then I was thinking about those women that Beve still helping them out in Taiwan. Seem she already find out what she wants to do. Like my friend, Kus, too. She already found out what God wants her to do. For what God had planted in her, she had to go back to Indonesia. I feel sad because there are more people that I would miss a lot in Indonesia than in here, Aussie.
Here is the youtube song:

Here is the lyric:

Michael W. Smith - Friends Are Friends Forever

Packing up the dreams God planted
In the fertile soil of you
I can't believe the hopes He's granted
Means a chapter of your life is through

But we'll keep you close as always
It won't even seem you've gone
'Cause our hearts in big and small ways
Will keep the love that keeps us strong

And friends are friends forever
If the Lord's the Lord of them
And a friend will not say never
'Cause the welcome will not end
Though it's hard to let you go
In the Father's hands we know
That a lifetime's not too long
To live as friends

And with the faith and love God's given
Springing from the hope we know
We will pray the joy you live in
Is the strength that now you show

We'll keep you close as always
It won't even seem you've gone
'Cause our hearts in big and small ways
Will keep the love that keeps us strong

And friends are friends forever
If the Lord's the Lord of them
And a friend will not say never
'Cause the welcome will not end
Though it's hard to let you go
In the Father's hands we know
That a lifetime's not too long
To live as friends

And friends are friends forever
If the Lord's the Lord of them
And a friend will not say never
'Cause the welcome will not end
Though it's hard to let you go
In the Father's hands we know
That a lifetime's not too long
To live as friends

To live as friends

Though it's hard to let you go
In the Father's hands we know
That a lifetime's not too long
To live as friends

No a lifetime's not too long
To live as friends

Her friendship story with me started a long time ago. It was in 1996 when I knew her. We got into a hot argument about someone and she was angry to me and Sylvia. Both me and Sylvia were trying to welcome her and greet her everytime we saw her eventhough she barely notice us that time. Then not long after, she joined me and Sylvia then we become close friends from that time. Kus was always there when I got into trouble and lots of problems. Then without realising, I know her time to go back to Indonesia will end soon this month. Although she said that she will be back again to Australia for her graduation ceremony, I know that God already planted her place in Indonesia. She told me that about last year, a minister had a prophecy that she will be a business woman. That time we didn't know if that mean she had to go back to Indonesia to hold into a position that was previously held by her dad. She always wanted to start her own business from scratch. Then her dad passed away last February without any will or any last message that threw her into confusion and doubt, but then it's all end very well for her. I was worried about her future that time, then after hearing from her, I feel happy that she is now very well cared for, even if that mean that she had to stay in Indonesia.

Also, on 29 June on last Friday, she called me and sms me to tell me that she passed her final exam. That mean she is now finished her study after a long struggle with her study. It was God's hand that hold her in here and it's also God's hand that send her back to Indonesia. I feel so sad, but I didn't want to cry or sad in front of her. All I can do is spending more time with her in here at the moment, so I asked my supervisor to alter my next week shift, so I'll be able to serve God together with her in here for the last time before she is going back to Indonesia.

I agree with the lines in the song:

Her fertile soil that God had prepared is in Indonesia,
the hope that God granted to her is in Indonesia,
a chapter of her life in here is through (it's full of memories in here),
I'll keep her close always (deep embedded in my heart),
Cause our hearts in big and small ways,
the love that keep us strong (as sister always),
she is my friend forever (nothing will change our relationship),
If the Lord's the Lord of them,
and I will not say never to her,
my welcome to her will not end (in fact I hope I can welcome her always whenever she come over),
it's too hard to let her go (really really hard),
but I know that a lifetime is not too long to live as friend (in fact I hope that we will still be friend in the heaven above),
with the faith and love that God's given to her (during her stay in here),
I hope that she will always live in joy (joy is come within and it's from God),
her joy is the strength that she always show to me (she shows lots of her strength characters that grown a lot in here).

Wait, what is missing? Here, this line:

It won't even seem you've gone <-- I cannot pretend on it, it seem you are going for a long time, that's why I'm still sad.

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posted by Lilia at 10:25 pm | Permalink | 5 comments