Saturday, August 19, 2006
Flower Bouquets & Full of Andy Lau In A Can
I was walking around Martin Place, looking for Lindt Cafe and was passing a war memorial statue that was full of flower bouquets. One of the flower was arranged in cross-shaped bouquet and it look very beautiful. the contrast colours of purple, orange and yellow with background of white flowers made it look very nice. I remember that the day before or maybe on Thursday, Australian celebrate the memorial of Vietnam War veterans and late soldiers. It was a very long war and sacrifice lots of soldiers from any country who were involved including Vietnamese. There are lots of Vietnamese origin in here who were seeking for asylum protection that time and their descendants were born in here and are growing up with Vietnamese heritages. Lots of them who were born in here still able to speak Vietnamese fluently. You can find a lot of Vietnamese restaurants everywhere. Isn't Australia is beautiful with its mixed cultural people and especially with its blend of different cultural cuisines? *Now I'm dreaming of Pho Bo (vietnamese beef noodle)*

The cross-shaped bouquet that I was writing about

That pink and white bouquet was very cute

Nah kalo ini foto-yang-ga-ada-hubungannya-dengan-topik-diatas. Ini diambil dari dan karena ada banyak Andy Lau didalamnya, aku jadi bertanya-tanya kapan bisa beli kaleng berisi banyak Andy Lau? Bukan untuk dimakan tapi untuk nemeni aku :p
Jangan protes yaQ kalo dirapel entry blognya jadi kaya gini ya Yenny & Zsa2 :D

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posted by Lilia at 11:46 pm | Permalink |


At Sunday, August 20, 2006 11:36:00 am, Blogger Yenny Lesly

Hueee, sekali rapel gak bakalan ilang tuh kebiasaan. Mau dapet can yang isinya ANdy Lau? coba banyak-banyak beli sardencis kalengan Li, mana tau kalo beruntung di kaleng yang ke 777, isinya Andy Lau bumbu tomat :))


At Sunday, August 20, 2006 10:21:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous

wadoh baru tau yak kalo yenny and zsazsa tuh se-prototype?
tukang ngomel, tukang komplen, tukang ngejailin orang .. apalagi yang jaim and innocent kayak kamu hihi .. :)