Tadi pagi aku menemukan artikel di news.com.au yang berkisah tentang green tea sebagai penurun berat badan tanpa harus olahraga dan mengubah gaya makan, jadi tambah cintrong deh ama si green tea matcha ini, luvvvv youuu greennn teaaa...
Ini artikelnya:
Don't exercise or diet and still lose weight
By Deborah TidemanJuly 13, 2006
Obese people, fed supplements of these polyphenols, lost 2kg over 12 weeks, without otherwise altering diet or lifestyle.
"If you take the green tea polyphenols while you're eating a high-fat diet they protect you against the development of body fat," University of South Australia Professor Jon Buckley said.
"If you eat them while you're trying to lose weight they'll strip weight off."
These nutrients alter the "machinery" inside muscle tissue to burn more fat and could be a powerful weapon in tackling obesity.
Advertisement: While taking a supplement was one way to get the weight loss benefits, UniSA also was working with the food industry to develop foods enriched with the chemicals.
Professor Buckley, the deputy director of the Nutritional Physiology Research Centre, said overseas trials showed that even in a high-fat diet, incorporating flavonols (in green tea and cocoa) and omega 3 fatty acids reduced body fat.
To get the same benefit as taking the supplement people would need to be eating three serves of fish a day. High cocoa polyphenols in "healthy chocolate bars" already are on the market. They are known to benefit blood vessel function.
More research was needed into the anti-obesity effects of the cocoa polyphenols but the benefits of green tea polyphenols were well established.
"We're looking for things we can feed people that will help them lose weight without having to diet," Professor Buckley said. "We know people won't stick with diets, some of which we know are effective. And if you're exercising to lose weight because you've decided dieting is not for you, the literature shows you need to do 60-90 minutes a day to lose significant amounts of body fat."
Ini juga favoritku, untung ga cuma buat limited time-nya Starbuck, Green Tea Frapuccino tanpa cream tambahan diatasnya soalnya minum ukuran tall aja sudah kenyang rasanya, jadi malas makan berat2 setelah minum.
Ada yang bisa kirimi saya green tea kit kat? Karena disini belum ada dan saya penasaran banget sama rasanya, kayanya cuma available di Jepang? Hiks...
Ini salah satu oleh2 yang aku bawa pulang indo waktu itu buat bikin es krim green tea di rumah, cara bikinnya mudah. Tinggal campur satu butir telur dan susu segelas lalu di mix ampe halus, masukin ke freezer. Sayang karena terbatasnya waktu, cuma 10 hari di rumah dan harus cabut ke Jakarta, saya ga sempat bikin. Setelah kembali di Sydney, saya di sms oleh mama ditanya cara bikinnya, karena lom sempat ke toko buat beli satu pack dan liat cara bikinnya saya lom bisa balas sms-nya trus kemudian saya lupa. Ga lama 2 minggu kemudian koko saya sms n nanya cara bikinnya. Tenyata koko lagi di rumah. Segera saya cari pack-nya lalu sms cara bikinnya dan dibalas oleh koko, katanya sudah terlambat karena dia sudah masukin bungkusnya ke kulkas karena dikira cuma tinggal dimasukin ke freezer, maklum bahasa cara bikinnya itu pake bahasa jepang dan ketutup sama label nutrition index yang dicantumkan importer Sydney. Si koko dah ngebuka itu bungkus dan heran karena isinya masi bubuk dan akhirnya dibuang, oh malangnya nasib green tea-kuu..
Lili, nama kita sama
terus kok kesukaan bisa sama gituh..
auk seuka banget ice cream green tea-nya japanese resto
terus di Starbuck juga sukanya yg ituh..
nah cuman kalo kitkat green tea belum ada di sini, kalo udah beredar di jakarta pasti aku sikat juga..hi..hi..
jgn2 kita punya kesamaan yg lain?