Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Maybelline Plesetan
Pernah lihat iklan ini? Hihihi... dapet dari FS temen, jadi ngakak lihat sosok Johny Depp yg pas lage meranin Captain Jack Sparrow di Pirates of the Caribbean apalage tagline iklan-nya kata "she" diganti dengan "he". Maybe he's born with it... agree?

 Posted by Picasa
posted by Lilia at 9:38 pm | Permalink | 6 comments
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Ebay Shopping

Pernah mencoba shopping online? I tried ebay.com months ago. Kan ceritanya lagi cari2 jam tangan yg talinya dari kulit karena saya ga suka yg logam. Pas nyari2 di toko koq rasanya biasa2, ga menarik, kebanyakan background-nya hitam, dan yang putih pun selalunya pakai logam. Jadi browsing di ebay dimulai sekitar akhir tahun lalu dan ketemu jam ini. Ketarik karena talinya kulit dan background-nya pink, warna yg agak jarang di aussie sini, kecuali kalo jam-nya SWATCH kali yg warna2 tapi kebanyakan tali swatch tuh dari plastik atau karet. Jadi mulai coba2 register di ebay, trus bid. Ga taonya harga yg awal2nya cuma 99 sen bisa melonjak tiba2 di hari ke-3 atau ke-5 (dipasang buat 7-8 days). Tapi saya ga mau ngotot nge-bid ampe tinggi2 karena pas liat2 ternyata seller-nya masi terus masang jam yang sama di beberapa tempat, jadi aman n masi bisa bid lain waktu. Tentu saja ga setiap minggu aku nge-bid, cuma sekali2 kalo ingat dan ternyata jam yg sama masi ditawarkan terus.

Lalu aku mulai curious n liat2 karakter si jam ini, katanya harga aslinya bisa ribuan dollar AU$, juga tokonya di London sana, dan trus ada berlian-nya (I hate diamond soalnya ga suka something yg sparkling2 getu, silau). Terus ternyata seller cabangnya yg di oz sini berani jual langsung dengan harga yg ga ampe seribu dollar, cuma sekitar sekian ratus. Jadi bingung aku, bid lagi ga yah mengingat dah 4 kali bid n ngalah terus itupun bid di terakhir2 supaya harganya ga terlalu naek. Soal diamond mah ga masalah, asli ato palsu ga apa2 yg penting aku suka warna jamnya dan tali kulitnya. Jadilah akhir bulan lalu aku coba2 bid n taro harga maximum bid dan ternyataaa... menang karena harga maximum itu harga terakhir bid hari itu. Harganya dapet harga yang jaoh-banget-lebih-murah dan off 65% dari harga yg ditawarkan seller-nya buat beli langsung tanpa bid. Trus browsing buat liat2 lage eh ga ada yg start mulai 99 sen lagi, yang ada harga sekian ratus yg beli langsung itu. Dipikir2 beruntung dapet harga murah n barangnya unik krn ga banyak dijual di toko2 sini plus kalopun beli jam semacam ini di toko pasti harganya jauh lebih mahal drpd harga seller.

Langkah selanjutnya adalah bisa ga aku percaya seller-nya, jangan2 dikasi yg dah cacat atau worse, ga dikirimi barangnya. Tapi aku coba bayar n tao2 2 hari kemudian dikirimi email yg menyatakan nomer paket aku dan website dimana aku bisa track barang aku dah sampai mana. Oke, tanggal 31 Mei ternyata sudah di post dan masuk bandara London. Tanggal 2 Juni dah nyampe Sydney trus diperiksa lama kali yah krn barang import. Tanggal 8 Juni barang dah nyampe dirumah dan sewaktu kuperiksa ternyata ga ada masalah, jam-nya ternyata lebih cute dan lebih besar dari imaginasi aku. Paketnya dibungkus carefully n ada lapisan gelembung2 pelindung kotak kayunya. Soal diamond? Ga tahu asli apa ga, ga penting buat aku krn yg aku butuhkan jam-nya n lagian ga sparkling2 amat tuh "diamond" dan kecillll banget. Lagian harga segitu ga bakal bisa beli diamond asli lah.

Kalo mau beli jam semacam ini di indo lewat ebay susah kali yah, karena ada bea cukai yg ribet dan kalo di pos-kan harus lewat yang registered n insured jadi ada ganti uang kalian balik kalo ga nyampe.

How was your internet shopping experience? Share dong kalo ada.

posted by Lilia at 6:09 pm | Permalink | 7 comments
Friday, June 02, 2006
Please Help Yogyakarta!
This post is in English.

On 27 May 2006 at 5:54 AM in Indonesian West Time (WIB), Yogyakarta was rocked by earthquake with magnitude 6.2. It was a tectonic earthquake. As known, Java, Sumatra and Bali are located close to Ring of Fire, where tectonic earthquake would be common to the area close to Ring of Fire. The death toll already reached 6,234. About 46,000 people injured.Most of the victims are poor people who live in Bantul, an area in South Yogyakarta. Some homes in areas that not far from the source also reported collapsed, the walls cracked, the roofs and ceilings reported fall apart.

The days after, it was reported that there were some rainy days that worsen the victims conditions. Those who lost their home due to collapsed or destroyed by the earthquake are living under awnings, after the rain they have to stand up under the awnings or squat because the soil were very wet. They are hungry, wet, helpless, cannot work and miserable. Some who were injured reported died because there were not enough blood stock available in that big scale natural disaster. They were not ready.
Worsen ever, some of the victims have to endured robberies from bad people who after food stocks given to them from donation, bad security problem because those robbers are after valuables from their collapsed homes such as motorcycle, cows, etc. Those robbers were reported giving those victims some poisoned food yesterday. After some victims reported sick and vomitted, people around them were helping them to hospital, while the robbers move around homes try to find valuables items. Those robbers are surely crazy, heartless, and sick.

Some Indonesian blogger who live in Yogyakarta or have family in Yogyakarta were not missed from this natural disaster. Thomas who build wdcreezz, my shoutbox, is okay but his parent's home was reported collapsed. Some blogger such as Ang Thek Khun is still volunteering to give approach those earthquake victims to give them food and basic need such as clothes, babies' need and women's need. Also there are a lot of help submitted from AirPutih Organisation, helpjogja.net, and especially Blogfam who are trying to organise donations and some people to go to Yogyakarta to help those victims. Blogfam is an Indonesian web-blog organisation which I joined a long time ago. It's not just a virtual community or family. It's really a real community with lots of care for each of it's member whenever they are. Blogfam make this banner below and expected lots of help from around you. You can be assured that any donations that you send to Blogfam would be used for those earthquake victims and Blogfam will make sure it would reach those victims safely. Please do help Yogyakarta. if you are Indonesian, just click on this banner below to get more information or send money to account number: 0020155393 belong to name: Parwita in Bank BNI, branch: Central Jakarta.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

A lot of help from International organisation such as Red Cross, United States of America, Pakistan, Singapore, and other countries already pledged to help.
However, YOUR HELP are still needed. Remember this song?

We Are The World
There comes a time
When we head a certain call
When the world must come together as one
There are people dying
And it's time to lend a hand to life
The greatest gift of all

We can't go on
Pretending day by day
That someone, somewhere will soon make a change
We are all a part of God's great big family
And the truth, you know love is all we need

We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me

Send them your heart
So they'll know that someone cares
And their lives will be stronger and free
As God has shown us by turning stone to bread
So we all must lend a helping hand

[Back to Chorus]
When you're down and out
There seems no hope at all
But if you just believe
There's no way we can fall
Well, well, well, well, let us realize
That a change will only come
When we stand together as one

[Back to Chorus]

PS: My uncles' families homes in Yogyakarta are okay. Their walls only got minor cracks. My dad in Solo, who is sick got a bit trauma because of his bed was rocking and it's in 2nd floor. He got fever for two days and is okay now. My mom was out of town with my godmother and she is okay.
posted by Lilia at 4:56 pm | Permalink | 4 comments