Wednesday, July 09, 2008
It's been a long time, however I just want to write a thing that keep bugging my mind.

How come when I ask the one up there for a closure or to defend me, He does nothing?

What I want is just a truth, a truth that will open both of my superiors' eyes that I'm not lying nor did I pressured the girl.

The girl was lying to my superiors twice and tried to get me to say something when no one around many times, but I said nothing. She seem angry, but I tried not to notice it or even notice her anymore.

What I want is, the one who is up there help me, defend me or get a closure about this problem. I don't like being deceived like this. He done nothing and soon, the girl will gone and left the big problem inside. I really need a closure and someone like a lawyer to defend me, can He become a lawyer and defend me?

The time is clicking and so far there is nothing been done. Maybe I'm wrong to turned to God to help me? Where is the path? I'm getting lost of hope in here, don't know if He really notice it.
posted by Lilia at 9:46 pm | Permalink |


At Friday, July 11, 2008 11:19:00 am, Blogger akokow

Closure will come, but He sets the right time and right moment. Not you.


At Saturday, July 12, 2008 1:37:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous

sabar-sabr Li, don't take it too hard, inget hati yang gembira adalah obat...



At Wednesday, July 16, 2008 2:39:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous

Baru tadi pagi aku dapet message berantai di ym, isinya :

Bila Tuhan cepat mengabulkan Doamu, Maka DIA Menyayangimu, Bila DIA lambat Mengabulkan doamu, Maka DIA Ingin Mengujimu, Bila DIA Tidak Mengabulkan Doamu, Maka Dia Merancang Sesuatu Yang lebih Baik Untukmu

Yg sabar aja ya ci ^^


At Thursday, July 17, 2008 6:09:00 pm, Blogger Budi Susanto

well, klo merasa gak nyaman krn teman sekantor itu, gantian ajukan claim bahwa loe gak nyaman krn dia bilang loe bla bla, padahal tidak :D dijamin deh managemennya pusing mau closure gimana nih
Tapi serius, klo misalnya gak jelas, coba tanya ulang, jadinya gimana? Klo dia tidak bisa memutuskan, minta ke atasannya.
Lihat2 aturan di kantor loe en budayanya gimana?
Yang jelas, ini PERANG *mau nonton Red Cliff* harus tahu aturan mainnya (bukan aturan kantor resmi aja, jg aturan budaya, kelompok dan aturan gak resmi)
Trus atur strategy, then SERAAANG :P
Tapi strategy itu bukan hanya serang aja, bisa juga bertahan, bisa juga strategi kota kosong. Ini tergantung loe sendiri. Disini jg dulu banyak orang reseh2, aneh2, strategy yg gua pilih, bertahan dan nempel ke boss yg baik dan logic.