Thursday, November 22, 2007
Eggs Benedict
I was addicted to a breakfast dish that was always on the menu in the hotel where I'm working. The first time I tried it was when someone from breakfast staff told me if I'd like to eat the leftover breakfast.

I saw this muffin and egg on top with something-like cheese.

I tried it.

It was about in year 2005. It was yummy but I didn't ask for the name.

Then I saw a picture of the same thing on a cafe for breakfast menu last Tuesday.

I ordered it.

It called Eggs Benedict. A strange name?

From Wikipedia:
Eggs Benedict is a dish that consists of two halves of an English muffin, topped with ham or bacon, poached eggs, and hollandaise sauce.

The cheesy-like sauce is a hollandaise sauce.

From Wikipedia:
Hollandaise sauce is an emulsion of butter and lemon juice using egg yolks as the emulsifying agent, usually seasoned with salt and a little black pepper or cayenne pepper. It is a French sauce, so named because it was believed to have been, or to have mimicked, a Dutch sauce. Hollandaise sauce is well known as a key ingredient in eggs Benedict. The sauce is one of the five sauces in the French haute cuisine mother sauce repertoire.

Hollandaise requires some skill and knowledge to prepare; care must also be taken to store it properly after preparation. Properly made, the sauce should be smooth and creamy. The flavor should be rich and buttery, with a mild tang added by the lemon juice and seasonings. It must be made and served warm, not hot. If the ingredients are emulsified improperly by over- or under-heating them they will separate, resulting in the sauce "breaking" from the emulsion and the yolks coagulating from excessive heat. The sauce may be portioned and frozen for future use. When ready to use, let it come to room temperature; some stirring may be required.

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posted by Lilia at 11:11 pm | Permalink | 3 comments
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Kuis iTunes Shuffle
Dapat kuis dari blognya jengkolholic:
Let's start:

1. Put Your itunes, windows media player, winamp etc on Shuffle
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name
5. Tag some lucky people to spread the disease

If someone says “is this okay?” you say..

Feelin' In The Same Way - Norah Jones --> Artinya yah sama dengan yg nanya, iya kan?

How would you describe yourself ?

Lovestruck - Will Young (lirik) --> Lho, koq bisa? Sumpah neh gag dibikin-bikin.

What do you like in a guy/girl ?

Dear Diary - M2M (liriknya klik sini) --> apa yah? Gag nyambung kali yah?

How do you feel today ?

Always Have, Always Will - Ace of Base (lirik di sini) --> Dari judulnya koq ga ada apa2nya yah? Liat liriknya...argh...not trueee...

What is your life’s purpose ?

Mungkin Mereka Bilang - Ello (lirik)--> lho? Engga lah, bisa bosen kalo tujuan hidup hanya untuk cinta-cinta.

What is your motto ?

Love divine - Seal (lirik) --> lho? Mosok butuh cinta hanya untuk tao nama sendiri? Amnesia kali...

What do your friends think of you ?

If You're Not The One - Daniel Beddingfield (lirik) --> Kalo bukan the one sapa lagi dong? Kan gue cuma satu-satunya di dunia, emang ada yg mirip gue? *gaya narsis preman Bali*

What do you think of your parents ?

I Have A Dream - Westfield (lirik)--> Kalo gue inget2, papa dan mama engga pernah melarang mimpi2ku, mulai dari mo jadi dokter, mo jadi astronot, pengen mandiri trus pengen jadi scientist. Walaupun mimpi2ku kebentur semua gara-gara pendengaranku, kacamata trus complicated problems. I found out that I always have another dreams which I never imagined, those are called surprises. Gag kebayang kalo bakalan idup di negeri orang, mandiri jauh dari keluarga trus jalan-jalan ke Paris, recently, and I can't wait to see more surprises from God.

What do you think about very often ?

Above All - Michael W. Smith (lirik) --> Kalo mau jujur ini gag selalu aku pikirin. Aku gag selalu pikirin God, but sometime and somehow when I feel down I'll find myself singing some church's songs. Afterward, I will feel more confident and get powered again.

What is 2 + 2 ?

Bryan Adams - Room Service - 02 - This Side Of Paradise --> nomer yang ada di lirik lagu ini nomer sembilan tuh : I'm ridin' in the back seat - nine years old.

What do you think of your best friend ?

Hanya Untukmu - Indra Lesmana & Sophia Latjuba --> Hanya untukmu sahabatku....

What do you think of the person you like ?

The Closer I get To You - Regina Velasquez & Norman Brown (lirik) --> Lho? Bisakah?

What is your life story ?

A Love Before Time - Coco Lee (lirik)--> Ini lagu favorit gue dulu waktu film Chrouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon keluar.

What do you want to be when you grow up ?

Karena Wanita (Ingin Dimengerti) - ADA Band (lirik) --> Hahaha... pas sekali yah? Gue emang dah jadi wanita dewasa kan? Gue pengen dong dimengerti... *gag nahan euy, lama-lama gue bisa narses kaya Yenny*

What do you think of when you see the person you like ?

The Girl Inside - Kirsten Dunst (lirik) --> Bener gag yah? Baru-baru ini temanku, Ci Yani sempat komen kalo dulu baju-bajuku parah karena selalu apa adanya alias kaos, jeans dan jaket jeans kemana-mana. Baru-baru ini aku rubah semuanya alias change my wardrobe karena teringat resolusi taon baru, bukan karena lagi suka sama orang loh. Baru setelah bulan Juli aku teringat resolusiku dan berusaha memenuhinya. Sedikit-sedikit kalo pengen beli baju haruslah yang benar-benar pantas dan bukan kaos dan jeans lagi. Trus mencoba berpakaian rapi sampai diprotes sama Zsa2 koq bajuku rapi banget pas keluar jalan-jalan sama dia. Habis? Kalo engga kan resolusi taon baruku gag jalan-jalan dong?

What will u dance to at ur wedding ?

Secret Admirer - Mocca (lirik) --> Masa seh? koq? Koq kaya apa yang terjadi hari ini?

What will they play at your funeral ?

Sharing Christmas - Ashanti (lirik) --> Err..gag tao deh, kayanya gag nyambung yah yg ini

What is your hobby/interest ?

When I See Your Smile - Uncle Sam (lirik) --> Emang gue suka senyum koq, bukan hobby, tapi senyum biasa lah ke orang-orang oi, bukan senyum-senyum sendiri kaya si err... yg di semarang, hahaha... sorrieee..

What is your biggest fear ?

When You Say You Love Me - Clay Aiken(lirik) ---> No komen deh...

What is your biggest secret ?

Never Felt This Way - Brian McKnight (lirik)--> No komen juga ah...

What do you think of your friends ?

Can't Smile Without You - Barry Manilow(lirik) --> Yeah, pas tuh, liriknya ada sebutin I feel sad when you're sad, I feel glad when you're glad.

What will you post this as ?

Wide Open Spaces - Dixie Chicks (lirik) --> A young girl's dream no longer hollow...But what it holds for her, she hasn't yet guessed... She needs wide open spaces... --->This is really a nice song, I'll look into it, never heard this song before.

Kasi ke siapa aja yah? *Lirik2 yang di Bali, Semarang, Purwokerto dan yang di Aussie plus my siblings*
posted by Lilia at 9:36 pm | Permalink | 3 comments
BlogFam CommunityArtikelku tentang jalan-jalan ke Paris dan Montpellier dimuat di bz!blogfam bulan November, silakan klik di sini.
Blogfam adalah Blogger Family, komunitas blogger Indonesia yang tersebar di segala penjuru dunia. Anggota-anggotanya hangat-hangat dan ramah-ramah koq. Kalau mau bergabung silakan klik bannernya dan buktikan sendiri. Ada forum-forum mulai dari perkenalan, curhat, masalah teknis blog, gosip (ngopi dan ngurek), kelurahan-kelurahan mulai dari Australia, Eropa dan bahkan Bandung dan Jawa Tengah. Silakan berkunjung ke Blogfam Forum.

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posted by Lilia at 7:47 pm | Permalink | 0 comments