Monday, March 24, 2008
Sticky Candies
It was around 5 years ago when I discovered those candies on the left. It was cute, small and colourful with full of messages, names or small pictures inside.

Finally, 2 years ago I visited the window-display shop in Bondi Westfield with some staffs were making those candies. It was from a big candy which was folded with colourful filling to make those messages, names and cute picture inside. The big cylinder candy then rolled slowly and slowly into a small and long cylinder which then will be cut into small pieces. A big cylinder candy can make lots of bags of small pieces of candies, enough to be sold for one day.

To make the mixed-candy bags like the one on the left, the staff would save some of them and then mixed it with other leftover orders.

Isn't it cute to see a message from your loved one written like:
"Yenny Tristan"

"Amey Den Zio"

Or a message like:
"Retha Ken Lee"

Anyway, just enjoy these pictures from their website and if you would like to order these, just look into the form in the website:

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posted by Lilia at 7:03 pm | Permalink |


At Tuesday, March 25, 2008 2:43:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous

Kenapa tiba² ada Retha loph Ken Lee coba?? Daripada ma si mas Ken Lee itu, mending sama mas Pitt aja, wekekekekekek...
dasar, ngagetin ajah :P

Ken Leee..
Ken leee dubiju biju werr,
Ken Leeee....
Ken leeee meju morrr
***teteeeuupp*** :D


At Tuesday, March 25, 2008 9:58:00 pm, Blogger Lilia

To Reth:
Abis ada yg bw tanpa jejak, he he... ketaoan.
Abis aku juga sempat bingung2 pas ditanya temen chatku kalo aku tao Ken Lee gag?
Pas buka blog kamu baru ngerti...Oooo Ken Lee... cem2an si Retha, Qiqiqiqi...


At Saturday, March 29, 2008 1:23:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous

naah kalo gw yang single ama sapa yak? hahaha :)

permennya lucu yaak... :)