It seem strange, a red cupcake with chocolatey flavour? No, the recipe use a real chocolate powder, not a milk white chocolate. So I was thinking of making it, after learned that the blog's writer suggested to top up the chocolate powder for more chocolatey taste.
I began made the cupcakes yesterday, mistakenly the recipe's batch size with planning to make 24 became made only 12 cupcakes. Gee.. not even enough for my workmates, so I had to gave it to some of them earlier before the others come to work.
Here are those photos:
It was not all perfect. It was really chocolatey, but the cake not risen enough as I doubled the chocolate powder but forgot to reduce the plain flour. I supposed to reduce the flour if I want to add more chocolate powder. Well, I will try again next time with less chocolate powder maybe just 50% more than original recipe rather 100% like before.
What were my workmates said? They said that it's yummy and I noticed that all of them still alive at least, ha ha... or maybe die trying to ate my cake?
What were my workmates said? They said that it's yummy and I noticed that all of them still alive at least, ha ha... or maybe die trying to ate my cake?
warnanya kebanyakan ga yak? aku juga ga bisa bikin kue..hehehe :)
pede aja..yang penting mereka bilang yummy deh :)