Friday, November 18, 2005
Free items
This is the many times I have received a lot of free item or free sample that were given out in Central Station. I have received free sample of 3 flavoured tea bags from Lipton, 6 energy-saver lamps from Origin in their eletricity launch brand promotion, snacks from various food distributor including Mars and Snicker that were launched back after the company took them back according to report that someone sabotaged the mars and snicker bars and put poison in the bars, Nivea hand and nail lotion sample, Continental soup pack sample and the lastest sampel I just received 2 days ago is a.o, a cereal bar with real fruit and nut taste. They have theme '100% unadulterated taste'. I got an apricot and almond bar. The other bar is coconut and almond (I forgot, is it really almond or not).
What interesting on that day is not the bar, but the mascot's costume in their promotion. I like the half-coconut head costume. It was funny and make my day brighter.

The coconut head from side view. The bed is supposed to be a part of their promotion when Mr. Coconut woke up and giving free bars?

Here is the half-coconut head, see the lost white block? That's the coconut I have stolen from them, xixixi... kidding..

Here is the free bar that I got that day. I haven't try it yet.

posted by Lilia at 8:05 pm | Permalink |


At Monday, November 21, 2005 1:02:00 pm, Blogger Yenny Lesly

ya ampun. Lucu banget kostum nya? Tristan bisa melongo kalo liat ini. Huahuahuahua...


At Monday, December 05, 2005 11:33:00 pm, Blogger ika

lumayan tuh li gratisan2 gitu kalo dikumpulin jadi ga usah belanja groceries lagi jangan2 .. hehehe ..

wkt kemarin ke jkt dari sini hanya ke brisbane trus langsung ke spore, ga lewat sidnih kok .. mungkin dulu kali ya yg aku email kamu itu dr jkt ke tonspil naik qantas malah harus transit di sidnih dulu .. makanya males pakai qantas .. muter2 ga karuan euy ..

oiya jetstar murah meriah tuh ke sidnih cuma 250 .. ada rencana maret sih kalau jadi ke situ li .. nunggu temenku ambil cuti dulu, dia mau ikutan soalnya .. nanti ai kabar2i ya ;)


At Sunday, December 11, 2005 6:32:00 am, Blogger Sksetsahati

hehe.. kepala dibalik kelapa.


At Tuesday, December 20, 2005 9:46:00 am, Blogger keluarganugraha

hwaaaa.. i moss those days kalow keluar dari station dan udah banyak yang bagi-bagi freebies.. wuehehe...

li, gw udah kirim imel 2 kali loh.. nyampe gag?