Monday, August 29, 2005
All About Traffic Light in Tonga and China

My friend, Sisi is from Tonga, she said that Tonga is smaller than Bali. She used a comparative thing with traffic light. She said that in Tonga, there is no traffic light. Even if the government managed to put traffic lights in Tonga, people would ignore it as poles and drive pass the traffic light.
She told me that when she was walking with her husband while it was raining in Tonga, she saw a car passing them with no windscreen. That's mean the driver of the car soaked wet in the rain!
The other day, shen she was walking, she saw a car was going to passing her slowly. She saw the driver is a beautiful woman with complete make-up and beautiful dress. however when the car passed her, she recognised that the car didn't have a door next to the driver!

My friend, Sherly from China, always greets new housemate to welcome them. One day, there is a boy from China came and as usual, she comes out and talk to him. After introduced herself, she jokingly told the boy that she comes from a small town in China, it is so small that there is only one traffic light in her town. However, to her shock, the boy said that his town must be smaller than her because there is no traffic light in his town at all!

Moral of the stories:
1. Car tells an image of the driver
2. Never use a traffic light to describe how small is your town (for Sherly :D )
posted by Lilia at 9:47 pm | Permalink |


At Tuesday, August 30, 2005 12:29:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous

gak ada traffic light mungkin ga papa asal ada roundabout kali ye .. hehehe ..

itu kemarin bikin urapnya pake kelapa parut yg fresh, aku order di oriental food utk parutin .. kalau nggak salah semuanya beli 4 kg kelapa parut tuh li .. :D


At Tuesday, August 30, 2005 4:08:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous

yup, i think you're right, never use traffic light to describe how small is your town. singapore is small tapi banyak traffic light sigh.....



At Thursday, September 01, 2005 5:52:00 pm, Blogger W

li sori ga ketemu sb liwat sini ajah yak.
gw gak sempet ngambil foto bagus puri, li. cuma sehari aja di situ dan itu penuh kabut. trus beli2 postcard aja untuk menghibur hati, hehe.. mau itu di-scan-in? tp gak bisa dicetak kayanya wong kualitasnya pasti turun.
atau kirim alamat ke email gw,, i'll send one to you. :-) nice solution, kan?


At Monday, September 05, 2005 8:36:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous

halo lili, baru tau kalo kamu ganti blog...jadi mampir lagi, tadinya suka mampir di blog yg lama (blogdrive?)


At Tuesday, September 06, 2005 1:56:00 pm, Blogger dee

Hi, ini dee dari blogfam....
bagus juga kok.
Layoutnya ama kayak yang dipake temen gue....^_^


At Thursday, September 08, 2005 4:52:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous

hi li.
wah kota kecamatan kecil2 di pekalongan ada trafic light nya lho li hehe.
makasih supportnya ya li.
maap nih belom bisa siaran lagi. kalau buat ngomong masih mual2 hehe


At Thursday, September 08, 2005 10:45:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous

wah, kayaknya asyik banget kalo kota gak ada traffic light-nya. ngebutnya bakal lancar....hehehehe...
btw, met kenal. aku memang tinggal di solo, tapi asliku bukan solo. sering2lah mampir ke blogku. mungkin nanti ada postingan soal solo lagi.
btw lagi, aku tuh sering sedih kalo ketemu blog yang postingannya bahasa inggris....hiks....maklum, bad english...hehehehe


At Saturday, September 17, 2005 10:09:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous

lah masih traffic light ajah li .. ayo apdeet ... met wiken ya liliii ;)


At Wednesday, September 21, 2005 10:08:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous

te lili, makasih banyak yah for the birthday greetings :)

mudah2an te lili gag bosen yah maen ke rumah deeja terus, ampe deeja 2 taon.. eh 3 taon.. 4 taon.. 5... eerr.. 17? 25? hihihiy.. :D

mommynya deeja: prasaan dulu bukannya di tripod yah li? skarang di blogspot.. :D


At Thursday, September 22, 2005 11:11:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous


hi mba lilia, lam kenal yach. how's the land down under? kpn yach aku bisa kesana?

ok bye, Paulin


At Monday, September 26, 2005 3:03:00 pm, Blogger Flona

Allow lily...met kenal *salaman* postingannya lucu juga...hehehhee


At Tuesday, September 27, 2005 7:35:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous

iya Li .. aku sih udah well insured semuanya .. kalau aku sih takutnya cuma sama penjahatnya .. kalo orang jahat kan misalnya lagi beraksi trus kita pergokin suka kalap gitu loh .. *kebnayakan nonton forensic investigator* .. heueheu !

kalau pasang alarm males .. soalnya sekalinya alarm bunyi sekali aja pasti petugas dateng , gitu doang udah kena charge $100 .. males dah .. :D